"Vlaams Belang is a party that wants European cooperation , but not the European Union . With this we are opening a new chapter in the Flemish politics. “ as confidently stated in the speech of the Vlaams Belang Chairman Gerolf Annemans during the Europe Festival that took place on the 29th September in Belgium. European Foundation for Freedom took part in the organisation of this event that gathered youth representatives from different European countries for a Youth forum session, offered presentation of books and research, interviews, and one to one communication with highly ranked politicians. The event was attended by more than 2,000 people and took place on the 29th September 2013 in Boom (Antwerp Province).
Besides a lot of edge animation it was during this event that Vlaams Belang presented the recent developments in the political positioning of the party on the European level. Vice President Barbara Beware pointed out that “It’s just for the love of Europe that they are such an EU - critical party.”
Vice President Chris Janssens presented at this European family day the book “Pro Europe - against the EU’’. This record book of the European symposium that took place last year is a collection of views and policy proposals on how we can reduce the single European state and give back the power where it really belongs, to the people and therefore the sovereign nations, “said Chris Janssens.
Vlaams Belang Chairman Gerolf Annemans
Turkey is not a member of the EU
During the well-attended session with MEP and EAF Vice- President Philip Claeys, he warned of the impending wave of immigration next year when the borders with Bulgaria and Romania are going to be fully open. He also accused the European Commission that despite the many human rights violations, it continues to negotiate Turkish accession.
"Turkey is not a European country. Not yesterday, not today and it is not going to be one tomorrow. Never! “
During the day Claeys presented to the public his new book “Inside without a Call’‘on the European open borders policy.
EAF Vice President MEP Philip Claeys
Euro Critical front
Marion Maréchal Le Pen was one of the most distinguished guests of the event, Member of the French Front Nationale and one of the youngest representatives in the French National Assembly.
Marion Maréchal -Le Pen
In her speech, the young FN parliamentarian called out for unity in the fight against the dictates given from Brussels and Strasbourg. She called out for a creation of a strong front of all euro critical parties that will stand in favour of Europe and against the EU dictatorship at the time when the future of our accumulated standard of living and our European values are thrown up for grabs by the EU.
Marion Maréchal - Le Pen with Julien Rochedy ( Front National,France ) Tom Van Grieken ( Vlaams Belang, Flanders), Gustav Kasselstrand ( Swerige Demokraterna, Sweden) and other youth representatives