With a passion for Toronto's west side neighbourhood, the infamous West Queen West, we are continuing the icon's legacy of authenticity and imagination. Out of Rally and into our neighbourhood, Hermann & Audrey brings public experience in art & culture, connects community, catalyzes local business and beautifies streets with temporary and accessible public artworks.
Our work with the Pangeaseed Foundation, Hullmark Developments, the Remix Project, the newly established Ossington BIA, Terry Fox Legacy Project, Open Streets TO and the NXT City Prize amoung others, gives us a unique perspective on the active potential for Toronto's greatness. Through this engine and space, and in partnership with city-builders Hullmark Developments, we are bringing thought-leaders to the forefront, inspire one another, challenge held ideas and further activate Toronto's creative economy. We are building the world we want to live and work in, one project at a time.
(above Tessar Lo at 952 Queen Street West, in foreshadow of the awesomeness to come at the address)
Some of our previous public art experience and community work:
(below) A Love Letter to the Great Lakes: Toronto's first international street art festival:
North x North East ART: 50 artists from Toronto, Montreal, New York and Detroit joined us for 7 days to enchant art-lovers and creative future fanatics in visions for a Toronto for Tomorrow:
How can art be an inspiration for change on the street level?
Art & Technology can reveal a yet-to-be imagined creative future:
Exploring new possibilities in creatively shaping our communities where art provides a gateway towards democratization, a city that we design:
Space Monkey hits Toronto....
The power of Love & Light in Toronto and curious meet-up spot:
Innovations in City building:
Video submissions from around the world illustrating the power of the cycle and the communities they create, for Life Cycles: (one of our favourite videos):